Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

Why Do You Have to be so Mean?

Picture this… You’re working on a project and you realize you have made a big mistake.  Shh… listen to your mind chatter.  What are you saying to yourself?  “I’m such an idiot!”  ” What was I thinking?  You weren’t you moron!”  “Now they’ll know that you don’t know what you’re doing stupid!” You would never […]

Success…There’s No One Left to Follow!

You have worked hard, honed your leadership skills and now you are in front.  The eyes of your company are on you, looking to you for vision and direction.  How exciting!  Not so much. My guess is that your brain is often going to the place of , “Oh, crap!”  Let’s face it, it is […]

Prepare Your Brain for Success! A Quick Tip…

Do you every go through your day feeling scattered and indecisive?  This is the feeling you get when your amygdala, the fight or flight center of your brain is over stimulated.  It makes it very hard to problem-solve and be creative.  I was just listening to Mark Waldmen, a professor and brain-training expert.  He had […]