Amazing Mondays

Amazing Mondays

How to Stop Second-Guessing Yourself at Life’s Crossroads

When you come to a fork in your life’s road, it’s tempting to agonize over making the “correct” choice. But here’s a secret: the exact route you take matters far less than the mindset you bring to the journey. Every step is a chance to consult your inner Sage, checking that your path aligns with […]

Embrace Empathy: Your Guide to Inner Peace and Power in 2024

  As we begin this new year it is often an opportunity for our inner critic to get busy! “You didn’t do enough last year. You better get busy this year.” This world can be so harsh, can’t it? So many people attacking themselves and others for not meeting impossibly high standards. It breaks my […]

What do You Need to STOP Doing?

Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. Stephen Covey Many times during my conversation with leaders they will speak almost fondly of when they […]

Win by Knowing Your Team’s Strengths

Recently I was working with a client who was just promoted to a leadership position over several teams across the country. On our call we were talking about the strategy he was putting together to create a strong, successful team. The first step in his plan was to meet individually with each team member and have […]

Why Leaders Need to Choose Their Brand

  I don’t know how many times I have heard this story from clients when I ask them what they want next in their career…”I don’t really know. I just started on this career path and did what needed to be done. I kept getting promoted and just fell into my next position.” To be […]

Lead with Your Strengths

  One of the first steps to being a good leader whether you are leading a small team, your own business or a large company, is to know your strengths. Know which activities energize you. Know which activities naturally make you stand out and excel. Learn how to talk about your strengths and be able […]

Rewire Your Brain for Joy

In a typical day at work do you see more problems or solutions? Do you notice negative emotions more or positive ones? If you lean towards seeing problems or focusing on negative emotions then welcome to the human race! Our brains are wired to look for problems and dangers. This is a great thing if […]

The Most Powerful Stress Relief Technique Ever!

Since my goal this year is to live a life filled with delight I know that I must be vigilant about consistently lowering stress and calming my brain. That’s why I am so excited to share this stress-relieving tool! About 7 years ago a friend of mine introduced me to a powerful and weird technique […]

Are You Taking Yourself Out of the Game?

Is your mind taking you out of the game of life? Recently I was working with a soccer player. He told me that he had a very high standard for himself. In fact I do believe he used the word perfection. While we as a society applaud a person with such lofty goals, those much-approved […]

Stop Beating Yourself Up!

Recently as I was innocently going about my daily activities out of nowhere came a memory. Not one of those soft, fuzzy, warm memories that makes me smile. Oh, no, it was one of those embarrassing, crawl in a hole and never come out kind of memory. As my self-esteem plummeted and I cringed inside […]